Monday, December 5, 2016

Baby it's cold outside

You know season has really left summer behind when you can smell fires in the air. Although we Texans have only had one day were we could see our breath its still time to make sure the garden is protected. I have my first set of hoops up over two of the raised beds that are still producing. I'll finally be able to finish that set up tomorrow with the help of an extra set of hands. We will be stretching plastic over this in preparation for the freezing temperatures set to hit on Wednesday. Additionally I hope to build a cold frame to protect the third raised bed. I have also been mulching lately with leaves, wood chips, and leaves. This helps to maintain moisture and modulate soil temperature. If everything goes according to plan I'll continue to produce greens and perhaps even some root vegetables throughout the winter.

Update. I built a short lived hoop house. Here is the final result while it lasted.

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